If your looking for Luxury & Well Accommodation Hotel in Nainital here are best choices we will recommend here:
1) Hotel Shivraj
Hotel Shivraj is the perfect destination for people who find themselves yearning to get away from it all but in a luxury environment. Nainital’s call of serene forests and sunsets over glistening snow-capped mountains is palpable when staying at Hotel Shivraj - where the accommodation is accompanied by friendly staff and delicious food.
2) La Niwasa Resort
La Niwasa Resort will please and dazzle you with its natural surroundings, hill views, and modern luxury. We opened in 2019 and since then, we've received excellent reviews on Trip Advisor for all our rooms, accommodations, and facilities.
2) Swiss Hotel In Nainital
Swiss Hotel In Nainital by Shivraj provides you with a heartwarming and exhilarating experience that will stay in your heart for a long time. With its unique British Architecture, Swiss Hotel gives you a unique feel throughout your stay.